viernes, 22 de enero de 2010


If you visit a city, a town or a village you should know ask for some directions, such as a supermarket, the bank, the post offce, etc. And for that you must know several words: turn right, turn left, go straight, stop, take the first on the right,...

For example: if you go to Madrid and you want to go to the Royal Palace or the Wax Museum you´d ask: "Could you tell me how to get to the Royal Palace, please?" And depending on where you are they will answer: "you must go straight ahead, trun left and take the second one on the right. The Royal Palace is opposite the Newsagent´s"

To go to the Wax Museum if you are near the stadium you will go straight ahead, turn right and take the second on the left. The Wax Museum is very nice!!!

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