domingo, 24 de enero de 2010


The full breakfast is popular throughout the British Isles and other parts of the English-speaking world. Depending on where it is served, it is called bacon and eggs, a fry, a full English breakfast… In Britain and Ireland, this cooked breakfast is often advertised as "Traditional English Breakfast" or "Traditional Irish Breakfast", but there is very little about it that is truly traditional in the historical sense.

For preparing a Full English Breakfast you need: 2 cumberland sausages, 2 rashers of smoked bacon, 2 eggs, mushrooms, 1 tomato, a tin of baked beans, 2 rounds of bread, black pudding, 2 hash browns, cooking oil, salt- to taste and brown sauce- to taste.

Slice the mushrooms thinly. Then slice the black pudding into rounds. Cut the tomatoes into half. Empty the tin of beans into a saucepan.

Grill the sausages, bacon and halved tomato. Add a little oil into a frying pan and fry off the black pudding and mushrooms together. Put everything on a plate.
Add more oil into the pan and place the slices of bread in and fry until golden brown. Next, fry 2 eggs.

Finally, serve everything on the plate together, make a nice cup of English Breakfast Tea, shake a dash of salt over your place, and a squirt of brown sauce.

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